主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、国家973子课题1项,参与国家重点基金1项、重大工程应用课题多项;发表SCI论文36篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文23篇,包括ESI高被引论文2篇(其中1篇热点论文)、“Most Cited Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Articles since 2016”和“Highly Cited Paper of Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 2019”各1篇;获授权发明专利15项、登记软件著作权6项;获2019年国家科技进步二等奖和2017年教育部科技进步一等奖各1项;获第九届山东省级教学成果奖(高等教育类)一等奖1项。
2008.09-2014.12 76net必赢-岩土工程-硕博连读(导师:高玉峰教授)
2013.10-2014.10 University of Colorado at Boulder-岩土工程-国家公派联合培养博士(导师: Prof. Ronald Y.S. Pak)
2004.09-2008.06 吉林大学-土木工程-本科
2019.07- 至今 76net必赢-岩土工程科学研究所-教授
2018.07-2019.06 76net必赢-岩土工程科学研究所-副教授
2015.01-2018.06 76net必赢-岩土工程科学研究所-讲师
2019 年度国家科技进步二等奖:“河谷场地地震动输入方法及工程抗震关键技术”,排名第七
国家自然科学基金重点项目(41630638):考虑河谷地形效应的土石坝坝坡地震稳定性研究,290万元, 2017-2021,研究骨干;
美国地震学会会刊《Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America》、英国皇家天文学会会刊《Geophysical Journal International》、美国土木工程师学会会刊《International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE》、《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》、《Journal of Earthquake Engineering》、《Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami》、《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》、《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》、《Computers and Geotechnics》、《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology》、《Waves in Random and Complex Media》、《地震工程与工程振动》、《地震学报》等国内外知名学术期刊审稿专家
(1) Ning Zhang, Jiasuo Pan, Yufeng Gao*, Xin Chen, Denghui Dai, Yu Zhang, Surface motion of an arbitrary number of semi-circular viscoelastic alluvial valleys for incident plane SH waves, Geophysical Journal International, 2022, 228(3):1607-1620 (SCI收录,英国皇家天文学会会刊)
(2) Shuai Li, Fan Zhang, Mingdong Wang, Zhao Cheng, Yu Zhang, Ning Zhang*(通讯作者), Jingquan Wang, Yufeng Gao, Seismic response sensitivity of a V-shaped canyon-crossing bridge considering the near-source canyon topographic effects, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 155: 107205. (SCI收录,中国建筑学会T1级)
(3) Denghui Dai, M. Hesham El Naggar, Ning Zhang*(通讯作者), Zhanbin Wang, Rigorous solution for kinematic response of floating piles subjected to vertical P-wave, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 106: 114-125. (SCI收录,IF=5.129)
(4) Ning Zhang, Jiasuo Pan, Yufeng Gao*, Yu Zhang, Denghui Dai, Xin Chen, Analytical approach to scattering of SH waves by an arbitrary number of semicircular canyons in an elastic half space, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021, 146: 106762. (SCI收录,中国建筑学会T1级)
(5) Ning Zhang, Yu Zhang, Denghui Dai, Dynamic response of a functionally graded cylindrical tube with power-law varying properties due to SH-waves, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2021, 31: 1948628 (SCI收录,IF=4.853)
(6) Ning Zhang, Yu Zhang, Yufeng Gao*, Denghui Dai, Changxi Huang, Effect of imperfect interfaces on dynamic response of a composite lining tunnel with an isolation layer under plane P and SV waves, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021, 142:106586. (SCI收录,中国建筑学会T1级)
(7) 张宁,潘家琐,代登辉,高玉峰*,含峭壁V形峡谷对地震SH波散射的解析解,地球物理学报,2021, 64(3):896-906. (SCI收录,中国地质学会T1级)
(8) Denghui Dai, M. Hesham El Naggar, Ning Zhang*(通讯作者), Zhanbin Wang, Rigorous solution for kinematic response of floating piles to vertically propagating S-waves, Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 137: 104270. (SCI收录,中国建筑学会T1级)
(9) Ning Zhang, Xin Chen, Yufeng Gao*, Denghui Dai, Analytical solution to scattering of SH waves by a circular lined tunnel embedded in a semi-circular alluvial valley in an elastic half-space, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020, 106:103615. (SCI收录,中国建筑学会T1级)
(10) Denghui Dai, M. Hesham El Naggar; Ning Zhang*(通讯作者), Yufeng Gao. Kinematic response of an end-bearing pile subjected to vertical P-wave considering the three-dimensional wave scattering, Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 120: 103368. (SCI收录,中国建筑学会T1级)
(11) Ning Zhang, Yu Zhang, Yufeng Gao*, Ronald Y.S. Pak, Jun Yang, Site amplification effects of a radially multi-layered semi-cylindrical canyon on seismic response of an earth and rockfill dam, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 116:145-163 (SCI收录,中国建筑学会T1级)
(12) Ning Zhang, Yu Zhang, Yufeng Gao*, Ronald Y.S. Pak, Yongxin Wu, Fei Zhang. An exact solution for SH-wave scattering by a radially multilayered inhomogeneous semicylindrical canyon, Geophysical Journal International, 2019, 217(2):1232-1260 (SCI收录,英国皇家天文学会会刊)
(13) Denghui Dai, Ning Zhang*(通讯作者), Vincent W. Lee, Yufeng Gao, Scattering and amplification of SV waves by a semi-cylindrical hill in a half-space by a wavefunction-based meshless method using mapping and point-matching strategies, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 106:252-263. (SCI收录, IF=2.884)
(14) Denghui Dai, M. Hesham El Naggar, Ning Zhang*(通讯作者), Yufeng Gao, Zhenya Li, Vertical vibration of a pile embedded in radially disturbed viscoelastic soil considering the three-dimensional nature of soil, Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 111:172-180. (SCI收录,中国建筑学会T1级)
(15) Xin Chen, Ning Zhang*(通讯作者), Yufeng Gao, Denghui Dai, Effects of a V-shaped canyon with a circular underground structure on surface ground motions under SH wave propagation, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 127:105830 (SCI收录,中国建筑学会T1级)
(16) Ning Zhang, Yufeng Gao*, Yongxin Wu, Fei Zhang, A note on near-field site amplification effects of ground motion from a radially inhomogeneous valley, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2018, 17(4): 707-718 (SCI收录,中国地质学会T1级)
(17) Yufeng Gao, Xin Chen, Ning Zhang*(通讯作者), Denghui Dai, Xin Yu, Scattering of plane SH waves induced by a semicylindrical canyon with a subsurface circular lined tunnel, International Journal of Geomechanics-ASCE, 2018, 18(6):06018012 (SCI收录,美国土木工程学会会刊)
(18) Ning Zhang, Yufeng Gao, Ronald Y.S. Pak*, Soil and topographic effects on ground motion of a surficially inhomogeneous semi-cylindrical canyon under oblique incident SH waves, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 95:17-28 (SCI收录,中国建筑学会T1级)
(19) Ning Zhang, Yufeng Gao*, Denghui Dai, Ground motion at a semi-cylindrical valley partially filled with a crescent-shaped soil layer under incident plane SH waves, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 2017, 11(3): 1750007 (SCI收录)
(20) Yufeng Gao, Denghui Dai, Ning Zhang*(通讯作者), Yongxin Wu, Ali Hasson Mahfouz, Scattering of plane and cylindrical SH waves by a horseshoe shaped cavity, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 2017, 11(2): 1650011 (SCI收录)
(21) Ning Zhang, Yufeng Gao, Jie Yang, Changjie Xu*, An analytical solution to the scattering of cylindrical SH waves by a partially filled semi-circular alluvial valley: near-source site effects, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2015, 14(2): 189-201 (SCI收录,中国地质学会T1级)
(22) Ning Zhang, Yufeng Gao*, Yuanqiang Cai, Dayong Li, Yongxin Wu, Scattering of SH waves induced by a non-symmetrical V-shaped canyon, Geophysical Journal International, 2012, 191(1): 243-256 (SCI收录,英国皇家天文学会会刊)
(23) Ning Zhang, Yufeng Gao*, Dayong Li, Yongxin Wu, Fei Zhang, Scattering of SH waves induced by a symmetrical V-shaped canyon: a unified analytical solution, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2012, 11(4): 445-460 (SCI收录,中国地质学会T1级)
(24) Yufeng Gao*, Ning Zhang. Scattering of cylindrical SH waves induced by a symmetrical V-shaped canyon: near-source topographic effects, Geophysical Journal International, 2013, 193: 874-885 (SCI收录,英国皇家天文学会会刊)
(25) Yufeng Gao*, Ning Zhang, Dayong Li, Hanlong Liu, Yuanqiang Cai, Yongxin Wu, Effects of topographic amplification induced by a U-shaped canyon on seismic waves, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2012, 102(4): 1748-1763 (SCI收录,美国地震学会会刊)
(26) Yongxin Wu, Yufeng Gao, Ning Zhang, Fei Zhang. Simulation of spatially varying non-Gaussian and non-stationary seismic ground motions by the spectral representation method. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2018, 144 (1) :04017143. (SCI收录,美国土木工程学会会刊)
(27) Yongxin Wu, Rui Li, Yufeng Gao, Ning Zhang, Fei Zhang. A simple and efficient method to simulate homogenous multi-dimensional non-Gaussian vector fields by the spectral representation method. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2017, 143(12):06017016. (SCI收录,美国土木工程学会会刊)
(28) Fei Zhang, Yufeng Gao*, Dov Leshchinsky, Yongxin Wu, Ning Zhang, Closed-Form Solution for Stability of Slurry Trenches, International Journal of Geomechanics-ASCE, 2017, 17(1): 1-13 (SCI收录,美国土木工程学会会刊)
(29) Fei Zhang, Yufeng Gao*, Yongxin Wu, Ning Zhang, Yue Qiu, Effects of vertical seismic acceleration on 3D slope stability, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2016, 15(3): 487-494 (SCI收录,中国地质学会T1级)
(30) Yongxin Wu, Yufeng Gao*, Ning Zhang, Dayong Li, Simulation of spatially varying ground motions in V-shaped symmetric canyons, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 20(6): 992-1010 (SCI收录)
(31) Yufeng Gao, Yongxin Wu*, Dayong Li, Ning Zhang, Fei Zhang. An improved method for the generating of spectrum-compatible time series using wavelets. Earthquake Spectra, 2014, 30(4): 1467-1485. (SCI收录)
(32) Fei Zhang, Yufeng Gao, Yongxin Wu, Ning Zhang. Upper bound solutions for face stability of circular tunnels in undrained clays. Géotechnique, 2018, 68(1):76-85. (SCI收录,中国建筑学会T1级)
(33) Yufeng Gao, Fei Zhang, Guohui Lei, Dayong Li, Yongxin Wu, Ning Zhang. Stability charts for 3D failures of homogenous slopes. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 2013, 139(9): 1528-1538. (SCI收录,中国建筑学会T1级)
(34) Yufeng Gao, Yongxin Wu, Dayong Li, Yuanqiang Cai, Hanlong Liu, Ning Zhang. Error assessment for the coherency matrix-based spectral representation method in multivariate random processes simulation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2013, 139(9):1294-1299. (SCI收录)
(35) Yufeng Gao, Yongxin Wu, Dayong Li, Hanlong Liu, Ning Zhang. An improved approximation for the spectral representation method in the simulation of spatially varying ground motions. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2012, 29:7-15. (SCI收录)
(36) Yufeng Gao, Yongxin Wu, Yuanqiang Cai, Hanlong Liu, Dayong Li, Ning Zhang. Error assessment for spectral representation method in random field simulation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2012, 138(6): 711-715. (SCI收录)
(37) 张宁,高玉峰*,陈欣,代登辉,风化半圆形河谷对柱面SH波的散射解析解. 地震工程学报, 2017, 39(2): 348-355.
(38) 张宁,高玉峰*,代登辉,陈欣,风化半圆形河谷引起的土层与地形放大效应. 防灾减灾工程学报, 2017, 37(1): 1-8. (入选《防灾减灾工程学报》2017-2019年度优秀论文TOP20)
(39) 张宁,高玉峰*,何稼,徐婕,陈欣,代登辉,平面SH波作用下部分充填圆弧形沉积谷的二维土层和地形放大效应. 地震学报, 2017, 39(5): 778-797. (中国地质学会T1级)
张 煜(17级硕士生,2018年国家奖学金获得者,发表SCI论文4篇)
王 林(21级硕士生)
巴 斯(21级职工)
陈 欣(16级博士生,合作指导,发表SCI论文4篇,苏州科技大学任教)
Email: 240401zn@163.com